Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Start of Journey: Departure to Cebu

(Iligan City's Maria Christina Falls)

(Tribu Iliganon Dance Troupe)

March 22, 2008. It was black Saturday. This was the day that I was to set off to Cebu City for my On-the-Job training. Even though our school year hasn't officially ended yet, I had to go to Cebu for my OJT as requested by my host company. Luckily, I was accepted in one of the best companies in the country - Lexmark Research and Development Corporation.

March 22, 2008. That day marked many firsts for me. For one, it was my first time to travel in a ferry boat for a long distance domestic trip. It was my first time to travel alone too. I admit, I was a bit scared of the thought of traveling alone but somehow, the thought of adventure and the pride of being on of the "lucky chosen ones" overwhelmed that fear. I was very much excited. After all, some friends of mine are also having their OJT's at Cebu so I wouldn't be totally alone. Cebu, for me at that time, was just another big adventure waiting to be made.

Departure time was 4 in the afternoon. The trip was via Ozamis so it would take until early morning the following day before I reach Cebu. Most of the trip was plain boring, though I didn't sleep most of the trip(because I am not accustomed to sleeping as I prefer to be pretty much awake and enjoy the world). But after many hours of travel, the ferry finally reached Cebu City. It was around 6 a.m. and all I could say was "WOW". Cebu looked very nice in the sunrise. I could see some very tall buildings jutting out here and there. (The only thing that was disappointing was the polluted seawater of the ports). On the other side of the boat, the mangroves looked heavenly. Backdropped with a majestic sunrise it was a scene to be awed. That sunrise somehow symbolized new hope and opportunity for me. It made me more excited to go on this new "adventure" of mine.

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